Corruption and Illegal Conduct by FBI Special Agents, FBI Investigative Specialists, and Special Deputy U.S. Marshals Attached to Joint Terrorism Task Forces



Please Note: This Website is NOT the Official Website of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), or Any Other Federal, State, County, or Municipal Government Agency.
Instead, it’s a personal blog and/or website of Umesh Heendeniya that documents and describes the Illegal Conduct and Brazen Corruption Perpetrated Upon Him for Years by FBI Special Agents, FBI Investigative Specialists, and Special Deputy U.S. Marshals attached to the Tampa-Orlando Joint Terrorism Task Force, and possibly Tampa-Orlando ATF Agents.

In Addition, Nothing on this website should be inferred, implied, or construed as giving any legal, medical, or professional advice.
If you need such advice, please seek the services of a licensed attorney, psychiatrist, psychologist, or medical doctor.